Supporting people who suffer with Alcohol And Drug Misuse in London and surrounding areas
Few social issues impact so comprehensively on society as alcohol and substance misuse. Alarmingly, Adults and young people are increasingly misusing alcohol and illegal substances. This can have severe consequences for the Adult or young person and their family, and the community as a whole.
Consequences of alcohol and substance misuse range from;
non-attendance, engagement and poor attainment at school
poor health
mental health issues
risk of committing crime to support ‘habits’
Increased risk of being a victim of violent crime, sexual exploitation and many more
Homes specifically for anyone from the age of 18 plus that are abusing alcohol and substances. Our homes provide 24 hours care and support services.
Our homes and services provide a safe and confidential environment where Adults can seek help, advice and support regarding alcohol and substance misuse.
Support Adults to engage in services in the community aimed at helping them overcome their alcohol and substance misuse.
Working closely with Adults to tackle the root cause of alcohol and substance misuse/underling issues and difficulties that are making them abuse drugs and alcohol.
Referral to practical life coaching, mentorship and Independence training.
We support Adults to re-engage with education, work experience and work.
Depending on the package of support, Adults are offered a range of therapeutic interventions including one-to- one counselling, group-work sessions etc.
Support in building self-confidence,self-esteem and making positive choices.